>  Fragrance Reviews  >  Sisley's Eau de Campagne an aristocrat among fragrance

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Sisley's Eau de Campagne an aristocrat among fragrance

Sisley Eau de Campagne perfumeWith a handful of exclusive fragrances to Sisley's credit, the delightful Eau de Campagne is brimming with vitality and freshness, and is favored by both men and women. If GREEN is your preferred fragrance classification, then this blue-blooded bouquet is the embodiment of all you could ever wish for.

Eau de Campagne is a shimmering blend of lush green tomato leaf, freshly-cut green grass and sparkling citrus. Its herbaceous quality is instantly uplifting, and the elegant composition oozes sophistication - much like Sisley's tasteful advertising images in support of this perfume launch. Think rolling green hills, opulent gardens and welcoming retreats.

Eau de Campagne is audacious and dynamic, and serves as a bracing feel-good tonic that sharpens the mind and refreshes the body throughout the day. It has a slightly bitter heart and a dry vetiver/mossy base, and exhibits all the qualities of a sharp green chypre … one can most certainly detect quality here.

If - like most of us - you are not of royal blood or aristocratic descent, a few drops of this luminous fragrance may do very well in suggesting you are. For this is the verdant nectar of nobility! 

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