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HOW TO: Bright, Long Lasting Lips

Bright bold lips can be semi-easy to achieve, but to achieve a long lasting look, that's a whole different story. A pop of color is nice, but if you've tried this trend before, you know from experience that the color fades fast and the intensity disapears into a light tint, almost making the lip color invisible.

But fret not! We're going to tell you how to get that beautiful lip color, for more than 2 hours, for more than 4, but for a long lasting 6-8 hours!

  • Make sure your lips are soft and smooth. You can use a gentle lib scub or the tiny bristols from a baby toothbrush to exfoliate. 
  • Apply a moisturizing lip balm -- not a gloss.
  • Apply a lip primer to help the color go on smoothly.  Primer will help keep your color on throughout the day and helps the color go on evenly.
  • Line your lips with the color you choose to wear. 
  • Fill in the lips with that same lip liner
  • Finally, take the actual lipstick color and apply it to your lip, either straight from the tube or with a lip brush.
  • Throw your lip liner and lipstick in your bag, just in case you need to touch up during the day!
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