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Obama Does Nail Polish!

Mr. Barack Obama is with it, if we say so oursevles. He's up on his game with social media and better yet, he's created a nail polish collection, which we totally love!

Like he takes his campaign seriously, we take our beauty and industry news seriously, so this is a must read! The nail polish collection comes in three colors, yes, red, white and blue and has been designed by Richard Blanch of Le Métier de Beauté. 
The set of 3 nail lacquers come in a cute, collectable make-up bag with Obama's campaign logo. The red polish is Red-Y To Win Red, a deep red, a great pop of color that makes a statement.  The White polish named Victory White is a soft, clean white perfect for ever day wear. The blue polish is Bo Blue, a shimmery sapphire blue, which is a 'fun take on teh classic navy'. 

The polishes are, naturally, made in the USA and are $40 for the 'runway to win' and available on the Barack Obama online store.  Will you support?  

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