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Odin Fragrances Launches Pop Up Shop

Who doesn't love a pop up shop, especially one that is reflective of the Odin fragrance brand? Odin has recently launched a pop up shop in Manhattan that is set to stay open through Memorial Day and provides a quiet, sensorial space to take in the brand and reflect on it's surrounding art installation.

“A lot of the stores [where Odin is sold] tend to be crowded and noisy, but this gives a more isolated experience so [visitors] can focus on their own experience with the fragrance,” said Odin partner and Purpose-Built co-owner Larry Paul.

The pop up shop, only 400-square feet, features 'Odin bottles' suspended from the ceiling and is a heavenly experience. 

“We wanted an installation that was a very different experience for Odin,” said Paul Birardi, co-owner of Odin New York. “Odin packaging is very black, dark and moody, and we decided to flip it. Everything is white other than the product on display.”

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