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Britney Spears is back with Cosmic Radiance

JLo isn't the only one back with a new album and fragrance (see previous news post). It was recently announced by MoodieReport that Britney Spears is launching a new scent in August. The pop star, who has successfully rebounded from a downward spiral a few years ago, is back ... with a new album and a new fragrance - Cosmic Radiance.

“Britney was looking to develop a fragrance with more energy and power. Cosmic Radiance makes the perfect connection with her new album, Femme Fatale, inspired by powerful, strong and confident women," said Elizabeth Arden Vice President for Global Fragrance Marketing Karen Huntoon.

Britney's fragrance line, which includes Curious, Fantasy and Believe by Britney Spears, has been very popular since its launch. Now the singer will add Cosmic Radiance to the list, a flanker to Radiance which was launched last year. Notes include lychee, mandarin, pear, jasmine, gardenia, tuberose, peony, musk, amber, sandalwood and vanilla.
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