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Fragrances that work with the LWD (little white dress)

The little white dress is the summer staple

According to WWD, the trend this summer is the LWD (little white dress). Apparently socialites and actresses are opting for the LWD instead of the classic LBD (yep, little black dress). WWD reports the LWD has been seen on everyone from Blake Lively at the Christian Dior couture show in Paris to Cameron Diaz, who looked svelte in her LWD at the premiere of "Knight and Day" in Munich. We are sure it won't be long before the LBD returns, considering it is the fashion staple. In the meantime, we suggest a few fragrances that work quite well with lightness and purity of the LWD.

Dolce & Gabbana's Light Blue, Marc Jacobs Daisy, Lovely by Sarah Jessica Parker, Thierry Mugler Womanity, Le Feu d'Issey Light by Issey Miyake and Burberry Summer, to name a few.
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