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Strenesse introduces new signature scent for women

German fashion house Strenesse is introducing a new women's signature scent called Strenesse Gabriele Strehle, named after the company's chief designer. The new fragrance is said to be subtle and seductive, not over the top or overpowering. According to WWD, the scent's notes include pear sorbet, lime, red pepper, white peach, magnolia, cedarwood and sandalwood.

“My fashion has always focused on the erotic nature of clean, clear lines, free from fuss and frills,” said Strehle. “And that’s exactly what I wanted to experience in a fragrance, too.” And apparently the bottle as well, which was also designed by Strehle.

If the name of this fragrance rings a bell, it's because Strehle had a scent of the same name in 2001, but it was later discontinued. The new fragrance will be available in Austria and Denmark this fall, and is currently carried in flagship stores throughout Germany and Switzerland.
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